Wednesday 8 January 2014

Shopping Trip


Today my parents took me and my sister (Bean) out. They dropped my sister off at her friends house for a sleepover (they went to see 'The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty') before going to try on new Berkinstoks. After that we got a snack and got some dileshious bread and a pretzel to share. Then we hopped mall to mall shopping. When we went to the book shop I got the same scribble dairy as Bean and a new pen for it. It was really fun. We even went to the 'Sticky' rock candy shop and whatched the workers make candy. We bought three bags of different candy; sour cherry cola (my choice), pink panda (Mamas choice) and I Love Singapore for Olive (our choice). Then when I came home I played some 'Monster High' games and watched two 'Monster High' movies. My parents went out to a bar and I stayed home now going to get them (maybe). 


  1. Second post this year!

  2. I forgot how much we did that day! We had yummy falafel too remember! Another great post sweetie :)
